Three patients injured in the Crevedia explosions who were transferred abroad are still intubated and mechanically ventilated, the Ministry of Health (MS) informed on Monday.
The body of one of the patients transferred to Milan, Italy is over 90% burned, being intubated and mechanically ventilated, hemodynamically stable, requiring intensive vasopressor support. His condition is critical, being intensively monitored continuously. He was later transferred to another healthcare facility in Italy that is highly specialised in the treatment of burns.
Two patients transferred to Lubeck, Germany, are intubated and mechanically ventilated, hemodynamically stable, showing no clinical changes in the last 24 hours. Their bodies are 40% and 30% burned, respectively.
Seven others injured in the Crevedia explosions are hospitalised in hospitals abroad:
A patient transferred to Brussels, Belgium, whose body is over 15% burned, is breathing spontaneously, is hemodynamically stable, with a favourable clinical evolution. He is intensively monitored continuously.
A second patient transferred to Brussels, Belgium, whose body is more than 20% burned, is breathing spontaneously, is hemodynamically stable, with a favourable clinical evolution. He is intensively monitored continuously.
A patient transferred to Milan, Italy, whose body is more than 45% burned, is breathing spontaneously, is hemodynamically stable and there is a favourable clinical evolution. He is intensively monitored continuously.
Two patients transferred to Berlin, Germany, are breathing spontaneously, are hemodynamically stable, their bodies are more than 40% burned.
A patient transferred to Graz, Austria, is breathing spontaneously; his body is over 10% burned, but he presents a complicated surgical pathology due to the location of the burn injuries and their degree, being hemodynamically stable.
A patient transferred to Vienna, Austria, whose body is over 25% burned, is breathing spontaneously, is hemodynamically stable, showing no clinical changes in the last 24 hours.
A patient has been admitted to the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Emergency Clinical Hospital.
To date, 42 people injured in the Crevedia explosions have been discharged – 40 from hospitals in Romania, one from Graz, Austria, and one from Bergen, Norway – while five have died.